Events & Exhibits

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Seeing her Work in Person

Carol has won various awards throughout the past 15 years at the Santa Fe Indian Market and the Heard Museum Indian Fair & Market, placing in almost all competitions she has entered.  

Her baskets have been purchased by collectors throughout the US and have appeared in several collections, most notable in the collections of the Brooklyn Art Museum, Brooklyn, NY the Montclair Art Museum, Newark, NJ,  the Autry National Center in Los Angeles, CA, the Schingoethe Center of Aurora University, Aurora, Illinois, the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, MO.

Exhibitions & Events

2025 67th Annual Heard Museum Guild Indian Fair & Market, Phoenix, AZ

2024 Santa Fe Indian Market, Santa Fe, NM

2024 66th Annual Heard Museum Guild Indian Fair & Market, Phoenix, AZ

2023 Santa Fe Indian Market, Santa Fe, NM

2023 65th Annual Heard Museum Guild Indian Fair & Market, Phoenix, AZ

2022 Santa Fe Indian Market, Santa Fe, NM

2022 64th Annual Heard Museum Guild Indian Fair & Market, Phoenix, AZ

2021 Santa Fe Indian Market, Santa Fe, NM

2021 63rd Annual Heard Museum Guild Indian Fair & Market, Virtual Market

2019 In the Spirit, Contemporary Native Arts, Washington State Historical Museum, Tacoma, WA

2018 Exhibit C, Oklahoma City, OK

2017 Tears of Duk WibaL International Indigenous Art Exhibit, the Evergreen State

College, Olympia, WA

2015 “Woven” The Art of Contemporary Native Basketry, Archer Gallery,

Vancouver, WA

2012-2014 “Basketry Treasured” Arizona State Museum, Tucson, AZ

2011 “All Things Considered VI” Fuller Craft Museum, Brockton, MA

2011 “Tipi: Heritage of the Great Plains” Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, NY 1999-2009

2011 “Out of Traditions” Jane Sauer Gallery, Santa Fe, NM  

2009 Autry National Center, “A Living Tradition” The Art of Native American Basketry,

Los Angeles, CA

2009 Snow Goose Associates, “Contemporary Native Basketry”, Seattle, WA

2008 Montclair Museum, Newark, NJ – The Rand Gallery of Native American Art

2008 “Warped…Expression of Basketry & Basket Weavers”, Ketchikan, AK

2005-2008 Museum of Art & Design, NY-Changing Hands II: Art Without Reservation,

Contemporary Native North American Art from the West, Northwest &

Pacific, New York City, NY

2006 Carriers of Culture: Living Native Basket Traditions, Michigan State

University and Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage

2004 North Seattle Community College, Native American Art Show, Seattle, WA

2003 The Indian Craft Shop, U.S. Department of the Interior, October 2003,

Artist of the Month, Washington, D.C.

2003 Northwest Native American Basketweaver's Association Presentation &

Slide Show, for ATLATL students, Daybreak Star Indian Cultural Center,

Seattle, WA

2003 Snow Goose Gallery, Contemporary Basketry Show, Seattle, WA

2001 Southeast Native Movements in Art, Santa Fe, NM

1999 Lower Columbia College, Contemporary Native American Art, Longview, WA

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  • Brooklyn Museum, “Tipi: Heritage of the Great Plains” Brooklyn, NY

  • Autry National Center, “A Living Tradition” The Art of the Native American Basketry

    Los Angeles, CA

  • Montclair Museum, Newark, NJ – The Rand Gallery of Native American Art

  • Michigan State University, "Carriers of Culture" Living Basket Traditions

  • Museum of Art & Design, NY-Changing Hands II Art Without Reservation,

  • Contemporary Native North American Art for the West, Northwest & Pacific

  • Nelson Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, MO

  • Schingoethe Center of Aurora University,  Aurora, IL

  • School for Advanced Research, Santa Fe, NM